What is Glutathione and why do we need it to stay healthy?
What does glutathione do?
Glutathione is a relatively simple molecule that is constantly produced naturally in your body. It is a combination of three amino acids (the building blocks of proteins) – cysteine, glycine and glutamine. So what makes Glutathione so powerful? The key to the success of this small molecule are the sulphur (SH) groups it contains. Sulfur is a sticky molecule, which “collects” numerous harmful substances in the body such as cancer-causing free radicals and toxins such as mercury and other heavy metals.
Glutathione is not just responsible for heavy metal detoxification. In addition to this role, Glutathione plays numerous essential roles in keeping the body healthy:
- Reducing inflammation – Glutathione promotes the continued healthy function of the immune system by significantly reducing inflammation. Inflammation plays a critically damaging role in a vast number of serious diseases and ailments such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, joint discomfort, allergies, Alzheimers Disease, Parkinsons Disease, Diabetes, all autoimmune diseases, thyroiditis, lupus, and so many more. Glutathione’s ability to reduce inflammation appears to act as both a preventative measure for these conditions, as well as a treatment for improving the outcomes of many of the aforementioned ailments. Visit PubMed.gov to get more facts and stats on Glutathione.
- Glutathione Benefits
- Protective against many illnesses – Glutathione appears to be protective against a number of conditions including heart disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, almost every type of cancer, chronic infections, autism, kidney problems, liver disease and more. Patients with these conditions have been shown to have a Glutathione deficiency, which suggests that reduced levels of the molecule may render individuals susceptible to these conditions.
- Antioxidant recycling – As well as promoting the detoxification of heavy metals itself, Glutathione has the ability to recycle powerful antioxidants in the body which can also perform this function. Antioxidants are extremely important for removing cancer-causing free radicals, and Glutathione ensures that there is always a plentiful supply of these antioxidants. Eating the right foods and exercising is key to keeping and helping the body to maintain healthy Glutathione levels.
Glutathione really is a master molecule, and plays a number of critical roles in maintaining our health and wellbeing. Maintaining Glutathione levels in the body is critical to maintaining good health and staying disease free.
How to maintain your glutathione levels with foods, exercise and most importantly supplementation
Fortunately, Glutathione is normally generated within the body, so you don’t need to worry about how to obtain it through your diet. Not only is Glutathione generated in the body, but after it has neutralized heavy metal molecules it is actually regenerated.
So as long as Glutathione is being made naturally by the body, there is no problem. However, there are times when Glutathione levels do decrease, and this may be when the body becomes more susceptible to disease:
- Glutathione production and regeneration naturally declines with age and more exposure to oxidation
- A poor diet with limited fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains and high in processed foods may reduce your Glutathione levels
- Certain medications, stress, trauma and infections can all reduce Glutathione levels
- Exposure to pollutions, toxins and radiation reduces Glutathione levels. When the toxic load in your body becomes too great, the Glutathione molecules are overwhelmed and cannot function properly
What’s more, most glutathione supplements and pills show limited effectiveness, as they are destroyed by the harshly acidic environment of the stomach acid. With the importance of Glutathione rapidly becoming recognized in the medical field, new treatments and supplements are becoming available as more research is performed.
In the meantime, maintain a healthy diet, limit your exposure to environmental toxins, exercise regularly and reduce stress in your lifestyle as much as possible. Your Glutathione levels will reap the rewards!
We recommend Provizion GSH as one of the best Glutathione Enhancement Supplements to use daily for optimal health and wellbeing.
Call/Text for more information on Glutathione and its benefits - Mohamed - 416 937 6350